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October 28, 2013
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Author's Notes:
Faster than a locomotive, Mabel reaches Amber Sofia's bedroom (on the second floor) and finds Javier wearing his Halloween costume, which is no other than purple-clad blue-skinned Zombie Boy.
Every once in a while, I like to promote (i.e. blatantly plagiarize) another creator's characters. Because of the nature of this strip, most of the guest characters that I've portrayed are, well, human, but there is a plethora of non-human creative work out there, and what could be better than Halloween to have an excuse to bring one of them to light? (Although this one would probably prefer the dark)
Zombie Boy is the creation of Mark Stokes and can be found at Zombie Boy Comics. He has a fun cast of characters and a good sense of humor, but my favorite thing about his work is his use of color. If you check his page out, take a minute to tell him hi, and that you saw him in MIDTOON.
Halloween is tipically a favorite among comickers, because of all the things you can do with your characters, but sadly, MIDTOON's current frequency doesn't allow for too many strips. I'm going to go for another one, even though it would probably be completed after Halloween...
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3D Modelling: Sketchup
Neighborhood: Markiemark,
Baby Monitor: Booboo
Baby's Room: Edson Lopez Design,
Baby's Crib: Lara Anjos
Daybed: WalaAmelia
Babyish Translation: Midtoon
Zombie Boy (c) Mark Stokes
Zombie Boy by Mark Stokes