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March 30, 2015
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Author's Comments
Header Neighborhood: markiemark
Midtoon Sign: MIDTOON
Home Architect: Markiemark
Home Decorator: Cordelle
Green Apartments: Paulwall
Las Vegas Miniature: Koen

The script called for a pistol, but hey, I wrote the script and I thought it would be funnier to have her pull a big one from down there. Poor Erik had no idea of what on Earth Lisa wanted to do on panel 3.
I'm not sure what kind of gun Lisa has, but I think it is an M4 or something. I will not venture to say I know more because inevitably a reader will know more. Sufficient to say that Lisa knows much moe about guns than I do.
One time, when I was 20 years old, a soldier of a foreign army had one of these things (a different model) to my face, and let me tell you, it is not fun. The only reason I didn't freak out like Erik was that I was too busy praying at the time. We were kept in custody for about 9 hours, and nothing happened to me or my companion, but another guy that was there said something, a curse I think, and the soldier hit him in the mouth with the back end of the rifle. I think his teeth broke, because two soldiers came and dragged him away while he just covered his mouth and whimpered.
Now, he got dragged away, but not let anyone drag you away from Midtoon without clicking on the link up there to share this episode on Twitter.
Also, if you find the story clear as mud, you can CLICK HERE TO REVIEW THE LATEST CHAPTER
On anothe note: I have a new project seeking feedback. I placed a banner on top of this site, but for your convenience, please see it HERE