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January 5, 2014
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by the Creator of Midtoon

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Author's Notes:
This is a very special episode of MIDTOON for two reasons:

1) This episode marks the 5th anniversary of MIDTOON, which began publication January 5 2009.
2) January 5 also happens to be my 20th anniversary. 

There is something in common between the two anniversaries, besides them happening on the same day. Both have been incredible journeys, filling me with great satisfaction. Both have been challenging at times, but so far, both have survived past the average odds. Most marriages fail within their first few years, and how many comics last 5 years?

I want to wish a happy anniversary to my wife, Vanessa, and thank her for putting up with me for the last 20 years. That in itself is no small feat, so thank you for your patience and love. To the readers of this comic, I could say the same (except perhaps the love part... *cough*). Thank you for your support, and for your patience as I figure out this comicking business. Here is to more MIDTOON and more MARRIAGE.

Also, if you read this whole thing, I will reward you with a secret picture taken at my wedding. This picture is so secret that not even my wife knows about it, and to protect the secrecy, I have included pictures of two other weddings to see if you can guess which one is mine... You can see them HERE

The Webcomic List

5TH Anniversary Edition

3D Modelling: Sketchup
Neighborhood: Markiemark,
Campos Home: Cordelle

Green Apartments:Paulwall
Midtoon Lane: Midtoon
Playground: SketchyKo
John's SUV:BmrCT
Cars in lot:Cordelle