Comic, Comic Strip, Midtoon, Cartoon, Cartoons, Toon, Toons, Strip, Neftali, Drama, Dramedy, Tragedy,
Neftali Rivera, Nef,, Home, Family, Friend, Friends, Friendship, love, sex, romance, romantic comedy
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DECEMBER 13, 2015
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Nat Says:
Well, hellooooo, readers!
This page... Well it's one that I'm proud of.
I feel like I portray big things in this page. Things that clear up the confusing dream, I hope. Dreams are generally confusing except since you dream it you get it. So.
Nef Says:
Somebody is a little confused. And scared. I'd be scared too if I drowned in my dreams. Last night I had a dream in which I didn't drown. Just thought I'd share...
We missed last week's update because the inker was on a business trip. Sorry about that.