Comic, Comic Strip, Midtoon, Cartoon, Cartoons, Toon, Toons, Strip, Neftali, Drama, Dramedy, Tragedy,
Neftali Rivera, Nef,, Home, Family, Friend, Friends, Friendship, love, sex, romance, romantic comedy
Girl, Girls, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Relationship, Work, Workplace, Midtown, Democracy, Vote, Story
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FEBRUARY 7, 2016
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Nat Says:
Here we learn a little bit more about our mysterious Lord Hope.
Nef Says:
After spending two to three hours on the phone with a customer service center, we managed to get my website fuctioning again. Interestingly, the solution was what I proposed at the beginning of the conversation, but the rep had to take me through a script... ("Is the computer turned on?")
So, all of you, get inside, because it is cold out!