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May 10, 2014
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Author's Notes:
Neighborhood: markiemark
Night CLub: Chucky & MIDTOON
Comedian: BEARMAN
Our friends arrive at the club and what a surprise they get! It is Stand-up Comedy Night! Too bad they didn't know and arrived at the end of the performance. I'm sure this comedian threw a great routine tonight. They don't know him, because they are not in the scene, but the comedian is no other than the famous Bearman.
A cartoonist and social media mogul, Bearman runs a special event every year (this is year 6) where he donates money to selected charities in exchange of certain things people can do, such as promote his cartoon, or feature him in another cartoon. Since I also enjoy counting Bearman as one of the friends of Midtoon (you haven'e seen him here for a while, but he always shares our stuff in his social network of choice), here we go again, helping charities get his money. Learn more about the Charity Challenge by clicking on the ad to the left.
All the work I put modifying this set will be worth it because it will be the setting for the next few episodes. You'll see private booths upstairs, a full-service bar (where they don't sell to minors), a dancing area with disco balls, and the performance area. In addition to the Saturday Night Live Stand-up Comedy, you can hear some local bands play here, and enjoy the ocassional karaoke night.
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