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May 15, 2014
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by the Creator of Midtoon

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Author's Notes: 

The Webcomic List

Neighborhood: markiemark
Night CLub: Chucky & MIDTOON
The group finally gathers at the private booth upstairs. The comedian is done and live music has not  started yet, but a DJ is jamming right now. What? You can't hear it?

Lisa also has a great start with Fred, who is finally revealed as a sufferer of photosensitivity. This means that he cries when he sees photographs, which is probably the reason you don't see him much in social media... It still doesn't explain why he always wears that old jacket, though.

So I guess now we'll just have to wait and see how the three couples navigate the turbulent waters of triple dating, and since there is still room in this box, let me give you a bit of history about the three girls in the room for those who have not gone throught the torture of reading the old episodes.

Before hooking up with Mario, Anita was going out with a two-timer basketball jock named Chris. Erik was interested in her, but Chris, a.k.a. "Biggie" stood in the way. Erik asked Mario to set him up with her, but when Mario started dating her instead, it almost ruined the boys' friendship. Some dark secret about Mario and Anita is about to be revealed soon...

Jennifer was Erik's girlfriend during most of season 2, but their relationship didn't last because of their age diference. Some dark secrets about Jennifer have been revealed already...

And Lisa, well, you already know...