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May 25, 2014
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by the Creator of Midtoon

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Author's Notes: 

The Webcomic List

Neighborhood: markiemark
Night CLub: Chucky & MIDTOON
Our triple date continues, as the girls take a break from the guys and go for a drink at the COOTERS concession. I hope they have luck, because all the drinks look the same...

So, on the previous episode, we found out that Anita does not make out with her boyfriend. Today we discover that she doesn't drink either... Good girl, I say. We'll find out a bit more about her behavior in the next episode (May 30). Lisa, on the other hand, has solved her I.D. problem and is ready to break the law.

Poor Jennifer is falling victim to the bartender's judgment. To avoid this, some establishments in my area ask for I.D. from everyone, and some have signs that say that if you look a day under 30, you'll be carded. In case you are wondering, Jennifer is not even 30 years old yet, but of course, she's hanging out with much younger girls right now, so, she's the old one

I'll shut up now, and wait for your comments... Don't be a stranger.