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November 1, 2015
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Author's Comments
Header Neighborhood: markiemark
Midtoon Sign: MIDTOON
As you may have noticed, I have not been able to devote the time needed to work on your regular MIDTOON episodes. Trying to bring something to keep the site alive, I've been working as inker and colorist for my daughter's comic, a fantasy called Beta and the 12 Tasks, which you can find by clicking on this image:
The problem is that while updating BETA every week, this place showed a "coming soon" image, a constant reminder of my lack of updates and I wanted to find something that could be fast and easy to do, to publish something and communicate with the friends of Midtoon. I thought about re-runs, episodes of the Icky and Daxter Show, alternate versions of older episodes, and other ideas, but nothing really clicked until yesterday.
I was reading a Star Trek comic (not a fan, but I liked the art) where the crew is pulled to another dimension and find alternate versions of themselves in the opposite gender. That got me thinking about how inapropriate and politically incorrect MIDTOON would be if the genders were reversed. Just think of how people would react to an male version of Jennifer (Jeff?) seducing a female version of Erik (Erika). True to my firm belief in equal opportuny, I decided to create Midtoon: The Alternate Universe.
The idea is to be able to post updates when due, so I'm planning on fixing the art only as far as the change the genders requires. Also, I don't know how long I will continue this, because as soon as possible I want to go back to finish Season 3, but here it is for now. What do you think?
Want to see the original version in all of its bad art glory? Follow this image: