Comic, Comic Strip, Midtoon, Cartoon, Cartoons, Toon, Toons, Strip, Neftali, Drama, Dramedy, Tragedy,
Neftali Rivera, Nef,, Home, Family, Friend, Friends, Friendship, love, sex, romance, romantic comedy
Girl, Girls, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Relationship, Work, Workplace, Midtown, Democracy, Vote, Story
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OCTOBER 25, 2015
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Nat Says:
Brothers and Sister I present to you my next page! And my parents. And my friends. Oh, and you other folks reading this.
Enjoy your regularly scheduled Beta and the Twelve Tasks! And you can expect rainbows and kisses on your return from a night of tricks and treats next week (no you can't).
Nef Says:
This bird seems way too well-informed... I don't trust him. It's beginning to feel like it is playing the role of the wise mentor, you know, the Obird-Wan to the Beta Skywalker.
The next page is due the day after Halloween (October 32, I guess) so I hope you enjoy it safely and don't take candy from strangers...