Comic, Comic Strip, Midtoon, Cartoon, Cartoons, Toon, Toons, Strip, Neftali, Drama, Dramedy, Tragedy,
Neftali Rivera, Nef,, Home, Family, Friend, Friends, Friendship, love, sex, romance, romantic comedy
Girl, Girls, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Relationship, Work, Workplace, Midtown, Democracy, Vote, Story
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NOVEMBER 8, 2015
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Nat Says:
So, alright, sorry bout last week. Haunted tech and all. Anyway, here y'all go with a new page filled with my work and tears and blood...
Okay, so just work and tears. So many tears.
Okay so just work.
Nef Says:
Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta ...
There's a whole bunch of those little white-haired creatures... Just like that taking bird said. At least they are easy to color, because you don't have to change the palette, except on those split panels.